Living Your Dream



That’s the vision I get when I hear people talking about lifestyle. 

I wanna be slim, I wanna be the perfect mum and wife, I wanna travel lots, I want financial freedom, I want the absolute best for my little (big) girl …

But what is it with us women that when we decide we need to make the shift, we immediately set ourselves up to fail.

How Do We Set Ourselves Up For Failure?

We decide we have to lose 14 lbs in a week, make our first million in 12 months, or prepare every meal from scratch and have dinner served by 6:00pm every evening.

But the sad truth is that when we fail to reach those unrealistic goals, things get ugly. We’re unhappy, the children and husband are unhappy and we can’t see a way out.

Zig Ziglar Did The Math

He tried to lose the weight fast and realised he was getting nowhere and so Zig Ziglar did the math. He realised that by cutting out just a few things in his diet, he could lose a pound or two per week. And then he calculated how much he could in a month and then a year until he reached his desired goal weight.

And guess what? It worked! And not only did it work, he was able to sustain it because he was making just a few simple shifts daily that changed some habits of a lifetime.

In the words of Jim Rohn …

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.

Let’s Do Our Own Math!

First of all, write down your long-term and short-term goals. Once you’ve don’t that, ask yourself what small change you could make on a daily basis that would move you toward your goal.

It could be cutting out some (not all) sugar from your diet if you need to lose some weight. It could be getting up 30 minutes earlier and doing nothing but produce a piece of content such as write a blog article, or record a video or podcast during those 30 minutes, or simply getting up 15-minutes earlier to pray so we set ourselves up for a successful day.

Living The Dream

None of us got into bad habits in one day so let’s not try to break them in a week.

If we want to live the dream – our dream – we have to make the shift by design. We have to see what we want, speak what we want and most importantly, act on what we want because without the implementation, no amount of visualisation and talk in the world will result in the manifestation of what we want.

But so long as you’re breathing, your dream is alive. It just needs a little help from you to bring it into reality and I believe that even if you make just one daily change in your life, within 3 months, you’ll be surprised at what you’ve achieved and how much further you’ve moved towards your dreams.

Until next time,

The Storytelling Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Trish Jones

About the author Trish Jones

Trish Jones is a Speaker, Storytelling Coach and Author, who empowers and equips women to create a business and life that's in harmony with who they are - from the inside out - by bringing more of their personality, their voice and their message via their story to the marketplace. Download her story success blueprint to find out more ... The Influential Woman PinkPrint.

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