The Connection Between Body, Soul and Spirit


I realized the other day that whilst I’ve been giving you articles on your spiritual growth, I haven’t really been focusing too much on your body and soul and I’m going to rectify that! The Apostle John tells us in 3 John: 2…

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (NKJV)

So what does this mean?

It means we have to change our mindset in order to experience full health, wealth and happiness. Note that the soul prospering preceeds being in health, so this means that the body only does what the mind tells it and as Andrew Wommack put’s it, our role once we become Born Again is to renew our mind and release the blessings.

And speaking of blessings, we had Ron Kenoly at our Church today (yesterday for those of you in the UK since it’s now 1:00am) and I was so blessed and I laughed so much because Ron Kenoly really is such an entertainer as well as having that unique ability to take you to that place of worship where you almost feel as if you’ve arrived (in heaven that is :-)). But as I sat there, all of my worries disappeared and I felt as free as a bird and then I was reminded of the scripture in Provebs 17:22 …

A merry heart does good like medicine.

Had your dose of medicine through laughter lately? If you haven’t go find some girlfriends and just chill out! Don’t mention your worries and ensure you plan your evening with one goal in mind… just to have a good laugh!

That’s all for now, but just to mention we were on holiday last week and I wanted to post you a few photos. As usual, I don’t feature since I’m always the one holding the camera but I have some sweet ones of my rising “Woman of Influence!”


The Storytelling Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Trish Jones

About the author Trish Jones

Trish Jones is a Speaker, Storytelling Coach and Author, who empowers and equips women to create a business and life that's in harmony with who they are - from the inside out - by bringing more of their personality, their voice and their message via their story to the marketplace. Download her story success blueprint to find out more ... The Influential Woman PinkPrint.

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