Being a Virtuous Woman Part 3


I promise to get to the point today!!

What Was The Secret Of The Proverbs 31 Woman?

I believe it was the fact that she was living in the will of God. 

Whatever she did, was with the direction of the Holy Spirit which not only enabled her to make the right choices for her and her household, but enabled her to focus on what she was “called” to do.

Now, that’s an achievement… not to copy or imitate the Proverbs 31 Woman, but to “fear the LORD” (Proverbs 29), to walk in His will and to live a directed life.

Now, let’s have a look at what one of my favourite mentors, John Maxwell, has to say about the Virtuous Woman:

“Proverbs 31 no doubt gets more airtime on Mother’s Day than any other passage of Scripture.  The majority of the proverb describes a virtuous woman who leads her home with integrity, discipline and giftedness.  This wife and mother is a leader not because she tries to be one, but because of who she is.

Her Assets

  1. She is trustworthy (v.11)
  2. She is a positive influence (v.12)
  3. She is a hard worker vv.13, 14, 19, 24-27)
  4. She is a planner vv.21, 22)
  5. She is protective(v.27)

Her Achievements

  1. She meets the needs of her home (v.15)
  2. She invests for her household (v.16)
  3. She keeps herself in shape (v.17)
  4. She helps her husband become successful (v.23)

Her Attitudes

  1. Delightful (v.13)
  2. Healthy (v.18)
  3. Compassionate (v.20)
  4. Unselfish (v.20)
  5. Public (v.25)

Her Applause

  1. From her family (v.28)
  2. From her husband (vv.28,29)
  3. From God’s Word (v.30)
  4. From her works (v.31)”

Proverbs 31: 29 and 30 says “Many daughters have done well, but you excel them all…  a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

I read this today in the notes of my Amplified Bible, and for me, it summarised what I’m trying to say here…

“When the summary of what makes her value “far above rubies” is given (Prov. 31:30), it’s her spiritual life only that is mentioned.  One can almost hear the voice of Jesus saying, “Mary has chosen the good portion… which shall not be taken away from her (Luke 10:42).”

So, in the final analysis, what are you trying to hold on to… your role as a homemaker, housekeeper, mother, wife or is it to “fear the LORD” (trust in Him) and live a Holy Spirit directed life?

I know which one I’d rather have and I also know that in my pursuit of putting Him first, it’s inevitable that I will become a better homemaker, housekeeper, mother and wife.

Until next time, God Bless…

The Storytelling Coach, Inspirational Speaker, Trish Jones

About the author Trish Jones

Trish Jones is a Speaker, Storytelling Coach and Author, who empowers and equips women to create a business and life that's in harmony with who they are - from the inside out - by bringing more of their personality, their voice and their message via their story to the marketplace. Download her story success blueprint to find out more ... The Influential Woman PinkPrint.

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