In yesterday’s post, I spoke about my daughter’s first day at school and how happy she was.
This morning, we had the “too tired to get up, my legs are aching, I’ve got a tummy ache, don’t want to do PE (physical education) because it’s going to be too tricky, don’t want breakfast…” You get my drift, it was a “Don’t Wanna” day today.
And then we get into the playground and she’s happy and laughing until the whistle blows and this is when the tears start. “Mummy don’t go, stay here,” which I can tell you was an improvement on last year when she started at the schools nursery… on the Thursday after she started, she tried to escape from the car so she could return home to daddy, she threw up (in the car) but I had to exercise “tough love” then as I did this morning and let those taking care of her do what they’re good at.
And to be honest, I felt assured that she would be fine until I got home and started working and I had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and I felt physically sick.
About 10 minutes later, the telephone rang and it was the school receptionist delivering a message from Elodie’s teacher reassuring me that Elodie was fine. Not only was I so very grateful, I was suddenly at peace which enabled me to focus on the day ahead.
I remember seeking God for a particular situation Chris and I were going through and then out of the blue, a friend called and said that during her time of prayer, God had showed her how much I had been crying out to Him. Her words were, God has heard your cry and He has said that your prayers are answered.
I hadn’t even confided in my friend about my groanings to God, but still she was able to call with a word of assurance. Again, as I did when my daughter’s school called to say she was okay, I had such a peace that it changed the outcome of my day.
Can you change the outcome of someone’s day today. Not sure what to say, just use words of reassurance backed up by the Word of God and you’ll be amazed at how this can lift a person’s spirit and make their day.
Until next time … Blessings,